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Selection of Team Cities Causes Mass Uproar, Potential Fist Fights

To further enhance our excellent league, GM's Jon Glo and Dan W dicussed the idea of assigning cities to each franchise in the Wombat Baseball League. This seemed like a pretty simple idea, and it was easy to accomplish. Some teams have cities that just scream their name - The Los Angeles Kingslayers for example is a perfect fit for the team; L.A. it's exactly where the Lannisters would live, the city is full of stars and money, and Jon's team is always young and flashy.

However, as Iet GM's know what I picked, it became clear that no one wanted to be assigned a city, they wanted to pick their own. Fair enough. This of course caused MORE problems however, as teams were soon sharing cities and picking cities not even close to their division's geography. Some picked places not even on this planet (Tatooine, really Mike?)

After analyzing the pros and cons of all of this, and hearing many people scream at me, I've gone ahead and made two lists. One is what I created, based off division geography/team characteristics. The other is based off GM request. Neither is "official", so please, no bitching. If you dont like one list, use the other. If you still don't like it, then blame Jon. It's always his fault.

Go Hammies,


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